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Case Study

WGBH Getting Ignited and Finding Efficiency Along The Way

WGBH Getting Ignited and Finding Efficiency Along The Way Case Study

WGBH, Boston USA

The Application: News and current affairs production
The Solution: Ignite Scalable Automated Production System with Katalyst programmable automation panel

For many years, public television stations in the U.S. have relied on grants from the federal Public telecommunications Facilities Program (PTFP) to help them secure the funds required to purchase new equipment and keep their production facilities up to date. That program has since been terminated, due to the government’s current budgetary shortfalls.

However, even with the PTFP grants, many local PBS member stations still have to look carefully at what they spend in order to get the most value. This includes flagship stations like WGBH in Boston — whose award-winning programs are widely viewed nationwide and around the world. It’s a tough challenge because, even with less money, the station must continue to achieve its mission of serving the community with locally focused educational programming.

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