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Case Study

Grupo Multimedio: Delivering Top-Quality News and Entertainment for Viewers Across Mexico and Southwestern United States

The Customer

Grupo Multimedios, Mexio

Grupo Multimedios manages dozens of television stations across Mexico and the Southwestern U.S., and plans to expand production to even more channels and locations next year. The Monterrey-based network of Mexican stations needed a production solution that would help them create high-quality content for existing and future channels. As the company expands to new channels and new cities, they required a provider with industry-leading solutions and a strong local presence.

The Challenge

To be at the forefront of technology with commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware and a virtualized environment for news production.

The Grass Valley Solution

A combination of integrated Grass Valley production and content management solutions, that includes CISCO and Isilon COTS hardware.

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