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Grass Valley Unveils World's Highest Density Switcher for IP Production

New GV K-Frame X eases the IP transition with support for any combination of SDI and IP inputs and 9 M/Es

MONTREAL, December 11, 2017 — Further expanding the industry-leading line of production switchers from Grass Valley, a Belden Brand, the new GV K-Frame X Video Processing Engine builds upon the power, performance and flexibility of the current K-Frame by providing customers the added versatility of all SDI, all IP, or mixed SDI and IP board configurations, with no loss of I/O density or production creativity when switching between these formats. The company introduced the GV K-Frame X this week at the 12th annual SVG Summit in New York City.

A solution with GV K-Frame X's level of capability and flexibility addresses the need for both IP and SDI signal sources in a high-end performance processing engine. Customers can now reap the benefits of unlimited flexibility between SDI and IP sources while leveraging the enormous creativity afforded by 9 M/Es. Grass Valley's continued commitment to interoperability ensures that GV K-Frame X will easily integrate as the heart of complex studio or remote installations using published protocols, making for a smooth IP transition no matter what the size or scale of the production environment.

The new frame, which boasts both compressed via TICO and uncompressed 4K along with HDR support, continues Grass Valley's "any frame, any panel" tradition. Customers can choose from any of the Kayenne, Karrera or GV Korona control surfaces, ensuring that any show created on any K-Frame or panel will work seamlessly on the new GV K-Frame X. Additionally, this backwards compatibility also applies to existing K-Frame Mix/Effect boards, easing the burden of managing inventory for spares and replacements.

The GV K-Frame X maintains its industry leading I/O footprint with the largest I/O count (192x96), while the utilization of current K-Frame boards affords a smooth and simple integration into any system's architecture. The full complement of I/O board options has been designed to support both IP and SDI (capable of 12 Gbps) connections in its powerful 15 RU. In addition, the new chassis delivers unique front-to-back plenum cooling, a first for high-end, IP performance switchers, to ensure the new boards easily handle the potential rigors should the user choose to deploy the "X" in an all-IP environment.

"GV K-Frame X allows broadcasters to move into the IP environment without totally disrupting their creative production processes or their teams, as it requires little to no additional equipment training," said Greg Huttie, vice president of switchers, Grass Valley. "Not only can the 'X' be used with any Grass Valley switcher panel, customers can also leverage our trademark platform-wide convenience—any shows created on any K-Frame switcher can be saved and shared among other switchers to maintain a broadcaster's look and feel."

The high-performance GV K-Frame X is the next step in support of evolving IP and UHD workflows worldwide. Grass Valley will begin shipping the innovative new systems in December with a full manufacturing release scheduled for February 2018.


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About Grass Valley

Grass Valley is focused on empowering customers to create, control and connect content wherever, however and whenever it is consumed. In this ever-changing media landscape, content remains the most important element. Many of our customers are faced with the need to create and support new workflows while continuing to operate their legacy workflows, simultaneously broadcasting through traditional channels, Over-The-Top platforms, and Video-On-Demand as well as to tablets, PCs, and mobile devices.

We provide the innovative tools and expertise to help customers improve the efficiency of their operations while telling better stories to attract and keep viewers. With Grass Valley's integrated solutions that enable flexibility, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, quality and scalability, broadcasters and content creators have what they need to sustain their businesses. Headquartered in Montreal, Grass Valley has been in the broadcast business for nearly 60 years and is part of St. Louis-based Belden Inc. For more information, visit

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Bénédicte Fauveau

Media Relations Specialist