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The Business Case for Broadcast Cameras Whitepaper

Purchasing cameras represents a significant investment on the part of any content creator. As you investigate the options for your organization, consider the following: What are the long-term commercial and strategic considerations when making decisions about cameras? What are the pressures on broadcasters, outside broadcast companies and the rental houses that serve them? Given the competitive market for live broadcast cameras, how should you make a final decision?

In technology there is a fundamental shift. For many years, an SDI interface was the only way to transmit a steady stream at what was then considered a high speed. What once required customized hardware connected via SDI is now replaced by IP connectivity. Video and audio signals can now be transmitted with a much higher bandwidth and over greater distances, using standard off-the-shelf IP networking equipment.

The move to software-centric technology has brought a major shift in commercial considerations. Traditional broadcast equipment was largely fixed in functionality and scale, and was regarded as a capital investment, written down over a typical working life of five to seven years.

Software systems running on standard computer hardware have a different commercial case. There is a move away from the traditional capital expenditure (capex) basis towards operational expenditure (opex)

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